
Thursday, December 05, 2013


If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram you might have noticed that I have been on an adventure. Well at least, that's how I'm stating it. My job recently moved from Southern California to Denver, Colorado, and I trusting God's providence moved away from home for the first time in my life. So now I'm a southern California girl living in the mile high city. Having lived within the same county my whole life, changing states, altitude and climate would be an adventure to anyone. Instead of being scared or regretful, I've chosen to see this as my Big Adventure and therefore, it cannot fail.

Adventures can be scary, tumultuous, hard and difficult, but adventures are never bad. I don't believe one could regret going on an adventure. Adventures are full of new experiences and memories. They shape a person's being and so this move, has been my great adventure. And here, I will write about it, vent about it, cry through it, laugh about differences and overall experience all this adventure has to offer. At the end of the day, if I find, that this is not where I should be or I don't like it, I won't regret making the decision to come here. I will always have home to return to.

In this day and age, I'm so grateful for technology and being able to stay in contact with everyone at home. I couldn't imagine moving here and not being able to FaceTime with my family and friends, or being able to document first experiences through Facebook or Twitter. I've been so enamored with snow too. I've been in snow before, but having to do everyday things, like cook, drive to work, run errands around when snow falls, it's all so new. And I know I've been posting about it a lot, but I think that when it becomes a way of life, you notice new things about it. Like who knew it was so quiet? I think I'll do a whole post on snow sometime, but for now, it's amazing!

So now this blog will have a new section. The Colorado Adventure. I will still continue to blog about travel and food and wine and singing (don't worry--I'm still going to be part of the Harborlites Chorus). But there will be posts about seasons and snow and why Denver doesn't have street lights--really Denver??

Look for #JanelsBigAdventure2013