
Sunday, December 03, 2006

The end is nearly in sight...

First I'd like to give a big SHOUT OUT to Jeni for leaving me my first comment! Thanks friend!

Ok, so let's get this over with so that we can move on. UCLA sucks and I don't care what you say USC just had a bad night and we're all allowed bad nights, but NOT when you play Notre Dame or UCLA and for that I will never forgive them. AARRGGHH!!!

So on to the good news, I GOT INTO CSUF!!!! I got my acceptance letter yesterday and I am so excited. How wierd is that?!?!?!?!?!? I can't believe it! Well the end is nearly in sight my friends.

My Christmas present from Nick this year was to go the the Club 33 Candlelight dinner at Disneyland last night. OMG it was AMAZING! The food was great, the music was wonderful and again one of the highlights was the "Mistletones", a group of singers that come around to the tables at club 33 for this event. They were great and a BIG thank you to Sydney for remembering all the fun songs like "I'm a believer," you know, the monkees song but with Christmas words..."Then I saw his sleigh, now I'm a believer.." Good times.

I've just gotta say, I love Sundays. I love going to Jr. High and worshiping with them in Veritas and I LOVE, I LOVE hanging out and having lunch with them. Today was extra special because we all went to see The Nativity Story today. Man, that's a great movie. I really reccomend it. Let's hope that Hollywood makes more movies like this one. It gets you in the mood for Christmas, not that I need any help with that.

Ok well I gotta go read for my class tomorrow. XOXOXXX