So First of all, big shout out to the two best guys in a girls life....Nick! I love you and thank you for allowing me to wake you up tonight when I was sad and being willing to stay up with me during my craziness(see story below). And to Sydney for always being the friend I can call at 12midnight with my major dilemas :) You're de Best!
Ok so y'all want to know why I'm up at 2:28am on Monday morning?!?!?! OK I'll tell you... I should be going to bed, but this is just too good and I hope you can all learn from this tragic mistake.
I have a midterm on Tuesday... not just any mid-term, no the hardest one of my life thus far (and this is 27 years of experience). This midterm is worth 45% of my grade! (yeah, you read that right).
45% !!!!!! The good news is that it only covers American History from Jamestown to the Civil war... just a tidbit of info!
I have 21 terms that I need to know their definition, AND what decade or decades they cover AND the cultural signifigance that they played in those decades.. will I be tested on all 21, you ask? Oh no, just 5. But I don't know which 5 so I have to know all of them.
I'm not going to bore you with the other details of this test, because for this story you don't need to know them.
I had started working on them earlier this week and had emailed my progress to myself so that I wouldn't have to start over. I then opened the file (first mistake) and started typing away, periodically saving (second mistake) as I was working. When shutting down the document so that I could email it back to myself after 3 hours of work on it, I realized that I hadn't specified where it was saved on my computer (3rd mistake). So I did a search...nothing. Searched for key words... nothing. Started to worry so I called Sydney. After about 20 minutes of searching we came to the conclusion that since I opened the document instead of saving it, I was working in a temp file, and since I was working in a temp file, I was saving to a temp file and when I closed the file, the computer thought I was done, so it deleted the temp file. (I'm starting to cry just remembering the feeling).
I hung up with Syd, thanking him through the tears for his effort and rushed upstairs to Nick and started crying on his shoulder about what happened. He tried to convince me to go to sleep, but I couldn't waste such valuable hours on something so unimportant as sleep. I cried my way back downstairs and decided that this was an emergency and went to the fridge and grabbed...wait for it... a Diet Coke! (For those of you who don't know the severity of that statement, it's because I gave up soda for lent! I think I'm ok though because in Jesus' agony on the Cross, even he asked for something to drink) I then stumbled back to the computer tried one more search, downloaded the document from my email and SAVED it this time and started again.
So here I am at 2:40AM and just now re-finishing my study guides and ready to crash on the couch.
Thank you for reading and I will try to post more often for you, my two devoted readers....
All I have to say is, FREAKEN TIME CHANGE!!!!