So I'm going to tell you a secret, and I figure that on a public website is the best place to tell secrets... anyway... The best way for me to fall asleep is to put on a movie and crawl into bed. So I netflixed Pollyanna and I thought I'd put it on to sleep to, well let me tell you! Before the movie begins on the DVD, they show a short, not just any short, "Nifty Nineties." I love this one. Almost worth buying the DVD for! It's the one where Mickey and Minnie are in the 1890's.. you know the picture:

Yeah, that's awesome.
Wow 7 minutes into the movie and I'm already laughing out loud.
Ok well now I shall attempt to get to sleep so that I can be well rested for my test tomorrow, but if all else fails and I get totally engulfed in the movie, there is always coffee....mmmmm.