Yeah, so... I got sick when I went up to camp on the last couple of days.
AND I'M STILL SICK!!!! Ugh! This sucks! I want my nose to stop running and my cough to just quit! YUCK!
Last night we had Poolside and it went really well. It was good to see some of the students that we hadn't seen in a long time. We had a lot of left over soda and chips so I brought them back to the church this morning. We can definately use them in the future. This friday we have movie night again, and I can't decide what movie to show. Do you have any suggestions? Let me know if you do, just keep in mind it has to be G or PG.
My brother is having his Eagle Scout Court of Honor this Sunday and so that's super exciting! I've been trying to make a video for it, but I'm having a little bit of trouble. Hopefully N.R. can help me out later today or tomorrow.
So, I think I'm going to go now and read some more of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Yeah, I know I'm behind, but I'm catching up!
Well Have a good day and I'll write again if anything exciting happens!