I just wanted to link to a great blog, and one I haven't mentioned before. But Mark Roberts is an awesome guy and I love his blog. This coming Wednesday is Ash Wednesday. I actually love Ash Wednesday. I know it's kinda morbid and we are told that from dust we have come and to dust we will return. Yet we know that we have Hope in God because he rose from the dead and we may return to the dust, but we will live eternally with Him.
Ok I know it sounds great and elloquent, but I ripped it off of Mark... so to read it better go here:
Mark D. Roberts
Ok so needless to say I love Ash Wednesday and Lent...

So what are you giving up for Lent? I'm not sure what I'm giving up...
I think I will not buy a movie and something else... hmm.. must think about it.
Ok it's late and I have to talk tomorrow! Good night!