-This post was originally published in Nov. of 2011-
My Nana was an amazing woman. She was everything we should all strive to be. She truly cared for everyone and everything.
I remember so many times as a kid not wanting to go and help with meals on wheels, or cleaning the back bay or even one time we had to wash dried peppers for a group and our hands smelled for days. But now I treasure those memories because I realize that she was teaching us to give of ourselves. To take time for all in our lives.
She taught me how to be an independent woman who is strong and confident. She taught me to go after my dreams and supported every part of who we, her grandchildren, are. She went to every soccer game, dance recital, choir performance she could. Nana even came to my 8th grade promotion assembly, which was really only for 8th graders... but she was there.
But what I also remember is how much she loved. She loved all of us, and everyone she met. She loved. She loved me so much that she took me to my first USC football game. Yes. She knew I loved USC football and wanted to go to a game and she put aside that I didn’t become a CAL fan and we went to a game in the coliseum. Granted it was USC vs. CAL and I had to sit in the CAL section, but when we got there, she and I went and she bought me my first USC sweatshirt. From then on it was our thing. I’d call her every Game Day to say “Fight On!” and she’d say “Go Bears.”
She loved us for who we are and supported us fully. She taught me how to love others, and give of myself and serve those in my life.
So thank you, Nana. Thank you for all you gave me and taught me. For loving me and all of us.
She taught me so much and I could talk about her for days.
Thank you, for everything I know...